Dearest S11

Welcome to your new GP class blog. My objectives are simple. This blog acts as a storage for all your opinions, ideas and reflections about the world. This is where you should refer to whenever you feel like you need a different perspective (and of course when I say you have to). I expect all of you to put in good effort for this blog. This is a shared collective, and I will not allow leaching of ideas without substantial contribution on anyone’s part.

Please set up an account using the school email address. You would have been invited through that email as well, to be a contributor to this blog. Use your real names as usernames so that it is easier for your peers to identify you.

For your first reflections, please include the following:

1. A short summary of your article, or news item or issue you will be reflecting about

2. Your reflections (including your stand on the issue – do you agree/disagree, and your take of the issue in the Singapore context)

3. A link or video relevant to the issue being discussed (optional, but highly recommended)

Thank you!

Miss Geraldine

P.S. Please DO put in effort for this. You will find this very useful in time to come.